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Archive for August, 2006

Organic Valley Powdered Milk

August 15th, 2006 at 06:47 pm

One of my goals for 2006 was to incorporate as many organic products in my diet as I could without going broke. I've got the organic coffee down and I'm doing OK on the produce, but the milk and eggs looked like they were going to be the killers.

Then I had a bright idea! Why not call OV and ask if they have powdered milk? After all, they are based in Wisconsin, the dairy state. So that's what I did and here's what I found out:

1) They sell 12 oz. packets. Each packet makes 1 gallon of milk. The packets are sold at Whole Foods and maybe other health food stores or you can buy them from OV for a case of (12) 12 oz. packets @ $60. Final cost=$5/gallon. Can't remember if shipping was included in the case price. Sorry.

2) They sell 25 lb bags for $118 + $40 shipping (to the lower 48 and Hawaii). According to my calculations you will get 33.33 gallons from this bag. Final cost=$4.74/gallon. I included the shipping to come up with the final cost of the milk.

3) They sell 50 lb bags for $165 + $40 shipping. According to my calculations you will get 66.66 gallons from this. Final cost=$3.07/gallon. Again, I included the shipping charge to come up with the final cost.

You can only buy the 25 lb and 50 lb bags from OV directly. I already tried to go through 2 rather large health food stores in my area and both told me their distributors can't get these items. I wasn't going to try Whole Foods so today I called and ordered the 50 lb bag.

Given the increasing cost of gas and my not wanting to run around to the grocery stores any more than I absolutely have to this seems like it's going to work out better. And it's organic!

If anyone else is interested in buying bulk like this you can call Organic Valley @ 888-444-6455 9am-4pm CST.

PS: Don't forget to ask for their coupons while you're at it.

Long Distance - Revisited

August 7th, 2006 at 05:05 pm

I had to look over when I last posted about my long distance plan beef. March. So, since March this has been on my mind.

I'll save you all the the trouble of looking over my previous blog - used to pay about $15/mnth for LD plans. Got it down to $7.40/mnth. Basically, this is what it was costing to NOT make any LD calls!

OK, I have a AT&T credit card for a little over 10 years now. Would you believe that one of the perks for this card was 30 minutes of LD FREE per month! Not only that, 2 FREE directory assistance calls per month! I had completely forgotten that it also served as a calling card. What a fool I've been to have literally thrown away money for nothing! Kudos to AT&T credit for putting this little tidbit on their credit card statement.

Today I called and cancelled all LD service. YAY!