Home > Long Distance

Long Distance

March 9th, 2006 at 07:57 pm

I was meaning to do something about the long distance charges on our phone bill.

After mom first got sick I took over the finances and discovered she was paying a fortune for the phone plans. The local/local toll plan I originally signed up for is still a good one. Something that is not offered today. The cost is about $40/mnth. The long distance plan however just doesn't pan out anymore. I thought we'd be making calls to Canada and finally came to the realization that I don't call anyone unless I absolutely have to! The long distance plan was costing $15.xx/mn without any actual long distance calls. The original intention was to dump it altogether and get One Suite, but old habits die hard. Convience won over and instead I changed over to a cheaper plan. It will be half of what we are now paying for the luxury of getting discount rates on the rare occasion that a long distance call is actually placed.

I just know I'll be revisiting this topic in another couple months or so.

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