Home > Cheap paper towels

Cheap paper towels

June 6th, 2007 at 08:59 pm

I hate (detest, really) having to pay high prices for anything but especially for paper products. Luckily this week CVS is having a Proctor & Gamble promotion where you get $5 in extra care bucks if you spend $20. Bounty 8 count bundles are included in the promo so this is what I did to get the cost down:


(5) Bounty bundles - $5.99 ea.
(1) Dawn dish detergent - $0.88


Coupons used:

(5) 25 cents off any Bounty
(1) 25 cents off Dawn
$4 off $20 CVS internet coupon (expired)
$5 off $30 CVS internet coupon
$3 off $15 CVS coupon from May07 Ladies Home Journal magazine
$5 Extra Care Bucks from a prior CVS promo

Total after all coupons was $12.33 and I received another $5 extra care bucks to use at a future date at CVS.

It's my understanding that my CVS will accept their own expired Q's if they are less than 2 weeks beyond the expiry date. However YMMV.

1 Responses to “Cheap paper towels”

  1. Maismom Says:

    Hi there,
    I haven't visited this site for a while. I was checking blogs and found your blog.

    Anyway, I was wondering if you know where DAGGers went. I'm still checking Falimies site, but it's not as active as it used to be. I miss DAGG.

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