Home > I'd Like to Thank You all..........

I'd Like to Thank You all..........

September 17th, 2008 at 02:54 pm

A friend, who has been in financial straits for the last 3 years, called to borrow some money. While he's borrowed money from other mutual friends he's never asked me until now. Said he needed it to take the dog to the vet and that he'll pay me back, blah, blah.....

My initial reaction was, "yeah right". Luckily I kept this to myself. What quickly followed (and to my own surprise) was: "Let me mail you a check and consider this a gift".

Did you all get that? A GIFT! Not until I became a member of this site had I ever considered gifting money to someone who needed it! Not that I don't donate to various charities but you never actually get to see your dollars accomplish anything. By gifting this money I don't have to stew over when and how I'll be paid back because it doesn't matter anymore! Plus it's helping the pooch.

So, thank you ALL for helping to change a mindset and enlightening me. I gotta tell you I feel great about this!

7 Responses to “I'd Like to Thank You all..........”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    wow. good for you! i hope it really goes to the dog. AND i hope the beggar does not come back!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hmm? Soooo... the check isn't going to bounce or anything, is it?

  3. monkeymama Says:

    That is nice.

    Precisely a large reason why I am not a big fan of the steadfast 10% tithe rule. It is much more personally/spiritually rewarding to help when someone needs it. & you never know when an opportunity to help may come along.

    & I believe it is Suze who says never lend money, but gift it if you must.

  4. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    very generous of you! want to help my dog?? ha ha just kidding. He just had the groomer yesterday who very politely but firmly said I need to do this more often.

    Bleh. I don't get my OWN hair done that often.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    That was nice of you!!

  6. baselle Says:

    That is nice. And you probably won't be tapped again. Surprisingly, asking for gifts is a lot harder than asking for loans. Ask any fundraiser. Smile

  7. sillyoleme Says:

    Good for you, and great for the doggy! Even if it doesn't end up going to the cause, your heart was definitely in the right place.

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